Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sights, sounds and tastes.

I woke up a few days back with the smell of her. Not 'her', the one I'm with. Not even 'her', the one I was with. But a her from the past. Strange. Not all too far back in those mists, but not someone I'd imagine would have that sort of impact. Just a strange, milky, odd smell that I never could understand. It wasn't particularly attractive to me; but it was what it was. And it was there. As I moved up and quickly got ready for class, the many other smells the hostel provides inundated me; but the memory persisted for the day. Quite strange.

I find it oddly compelling to be caught in the headlights of a vehicle. It happened to me while I was standing at the side of the road, just yesterday. A power cut cast a sudden veil of darkness over everything - and then, to my left against a wall was my shadow, bright, due to a motorcycle coming towards me. As it zoomed by, I saw my shadow move blurrily, slowly change shape and disappear. Just one of those things that made me stop and stare, at the spot where the silhouette had been.

Idiocy seems to be ruling the roost, what with people taking rules to be absolutes and lacking the common sense to use them wisely. It redefines intelligence to impose stupid limitations without reason, especially since the reasons for those limitations are valid ones. But a toe outside the line isn't dangerous - and if you're trying to protect someone, if your function is the safety of someone through such limitations, punishing them for what is not naturally a violation of those things is patently ridiculous. Power isn't meant to be used in that fashion.

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