Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The past hits back!


Once again, I find myself at the threshold of an examination I do not wish to give. A vicious cycle. You give one set, only to go forth to the next. True, once my journey in academia is over there shalt be no more exams; but in that time, I'll be tested on everything I do. Not exactly confidence inspiring, I say.
Further, I was shocked to realise how an utterly disgusting and monotonous exercise it is to go into the bloody details. Frankly, m'dear, nobody gives a damn. Sure, no one gives a damn about me, either. But somewhere, when few really care about the farce that is history, someone should come along and tell that annoying empress that she has no clothes on. Of course, if that was really to happen, we'd find ourselves looking at cobwebs, I'm sure. Bleh.
Why exactly do I run into the strange, annoying and idiotic people in life? Where are those 'like minded people' college is supposed to be full off? 'Tis all a bloody joke.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Emptiness and three year old retards.

I cannot understand the stupidity of women who believe themselves to be completely reasonable. Somewhere, her behaviour is unforgivable. Not to mention, excuses about other reasons for being upset make her that much more so. I can't believe she can't deal with things like these without turning into a complete dolt. Bleh. Women.

One would think drama is something not always necessary. Yet, they make it seem like a pre-requisite to breathing. The whole idea of being the way they are stems from their stereotypical desire to make an impact. I believe somewhere that the whole patriarchy deal has left women scarred psychologically for eternity. Now, it seems to be embedded in their character - since they tend to be physically weaker in some ways, they shall attempt to make it up by playing upon the heartstrings of the men. Of course, the men are to blame for being gullible enough...

Which leaves me with the conclusion that I'm a gullible idiot.

Sigh. I hate it when logic backfires.