Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Who's your Daddy? :-D

Friday, December 22, 2006


We keep these thoughts hidden from all else. Little bits of flotsam upon the placid ocean of our thoughts. Little messages in bottles that tell you where you are, where you stand, and what you really want out of a situation.

How do we really know who we are until we move into those deep dark depths inside of us? Do we realise when unconsciously we measure ourselves to the stated standards of someone who, by all counts, shouldn't matter to you?

Does the sunlight shine into the depths of you, to reveal all the things left behind - locked doors that hide memories, thoughts and desires, never to be expressed?

Hush, child - think not of these things. Live life. Move on, in ignorance.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Building Bridges

The gap into ruin - something to dread - has been ventured across. Cautiously, plaintively, a well of happiness inside of me begins to brim over. I feel relief, but in small amounts only; there is still the dread that the bad times will return. In this manner, I attempt to continue with life, as if nothing has happened - nothing has gone wrong, and life gives me new hope.

The dread remains a shadow. Dreams are steeped in dark shades of gray, as I try and come to terms with this new kind of life I have to lead. I dream on, waiting for the day that the dreams shall change to a reality that cannot be otherwise understood. To experience the feeling of being, and of being with someone. I live on in hope, and in love.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Pulling away, like the tides of the ocean;
Yet, never to return to those shores.
Resigned to the exit that I choose to make;
I've never felt quite this way before.

Exhaustion fills all parts of me with pain;
I have no inclination to try and be.
It seems like an indelible dirty stain;
My determination I can no longer see.

I feel my skin crawl in the presence that once
Filled me with with both hope and joy;
I feel the anger and hurt that accompanies
How my only will to live is destroyed.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Oh, Dearie Me.

Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.

Which means that if catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults. Interesting thing to note, is it not? That which you to deny to someone, you allow someone else to have. A someone else you do not have control over, a someone else who does not listen to you.

We deny ourselves things each and every day. We deny ourselves happiness. Experiences. Experimentation. Each and every day. Every instant. Is that fair? Should we allow others to have all of that which we do not have? Sure, there are parents, annoying teachers, self righteous friends, and lady preachers (incidentally, I liked that rhyme); I see roommates spending quality time with lady Mary Jane; I see people spending money and lying to parents to get back in the game. I see people being weak and going for admiration; I miss the strong people and the non-adulation.

I don't like the way the human race seems to be growing. I can't say I agree with the way people are taking the easy way out. I don't like the way that people are giving up thinking for pleasure. I don't like the fact that beauty is trumping brains.

I think the human race is evolving out of intelligence. I'm going to miss my sanctuary.